Many people ask me: what supplements should I be taking if I practicing calorie restriction? Well, there are many types of CR diets, so it’s difficult to give a general answer. Some people eat a vegetarian or vegan diet and therefore need to supplement certain vitamins and minerals. Other people eat an omnivore diet and…

CRON stands for Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition. Meaning that we have to consume a lot of nutrition in fewer calories than we’d normally eat on an unrestricted diet. This is how we can enjoy many of the health benefits associated with the diet. Every day I eat high-quality foods that will provide me with…

Do you want to grow long hair fast? Or at the very least, do you want strong and healthy hair? Growing long hair can take a bit of effort, but it’s not impossible to speed things up a bit. I’m going to go through some tips on how to grow long hair naturally. Below I will…

Leading on from my previous post, I want to give some further example of what I eat as part of my calorie restriction diet. First of all, I don’t eat 5 lbs of food anymore because I’d rather feel lighter and less full during the day. I also feel that it’s beneficial to induce a…

When you hear someone say that you should try “calorie restriction“, you might feel as if this involves starving yourself, day after day, and forgoing all of the foods that you really enjoy. This couldn’t be further from the truth in my experience. When you practice a calorie restriction diet, you should be including a…

SkinCeuticals Advanced Pigment is an alternative corrective treatment for pigment problems of the skin. Over the years I have been looking desperately for something that didn’t irritate my skin and also removed some of the marks I had from having acne. Acne marks and hyperpigmentation can take a serious amount of time to go away,…