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Joints Hurt On A Vegan Diet: Causes And Remedies

Joint pain is a very common problem but doesn’t start to really affect people until they reach middle age. Often the cause is arthritis, which can come in many different forms and therefore treated in different ways.  While a vegan or plant-based diet can reduce inflammation and protect against arthritis, some people say their joints…

How To Eat Raw Garlic Without Smelling

Raw garlic is one of my favorite ingredients to add to just about any food. And I personally don’t mind the smell either! But out of consideration for people around me, I would often find myself limiting the amount of raw garlic I ate, since consistently eating 3 or 4 cloves every day meant smelling…

Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate vs Ascorbic Acid For Skin Care

Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate are two forms of Vitamin C that are used in skin care products aimed at boosting collagen synthesis and reversing signs of damage and aging in the skin. Both have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to stability, cost, and effectiveness. In this article, I will look at…

Beta Glucan vs AHCC: Which Is Better?

Beta Glucan and AHCC are both popular supplements meant to help boost the immune system and are often used alongside conventional medical treatment to increase the effectiveness of therapies in treating disease. There are hundreds of published studies showing that both are effective in activating an immune response, which can help fight off viral and…