KALE This is a leafy green vegetable from the Brassica family of vegetables which include Broccoli, Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts. It’s probably one of the most nutrient-dense foods that you can eat and is loaded with antioxidants and bioavailable nutrients to maintain your health. Kale contains a significant amount of Beta-Carotene, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin, which are…

Another garden update! I’ve put almost all the plants in their best places after observing the sun and shadows during different times of the day. Everything seems fine, no transplant shock or any signs of the plant not doing well. The tomatoes are now at the side of my house, 3 of them planted near…

Its been a few weeks now since I started to garden and grow my own food. I hope it all works out because this is my first time trying! I’m also doing most of my planting in garden boxes as it seems to be a good way to prevent damage and control growth. So far…

There have been some big changes lately in my diet. Over the years of eating a healthy both cooked and raw diet, I noticed that I felt better after a raw meal rather than a cooked one. I never really thought about this other than at the moment I experienced it. Cooked meals make me…